HSC Spring Cleaning Event!

Spring Cleaning! February 25th 8am – 6pm Hackerspace will be spending the day cleaning/organizing/doing inventory. Looking for volunteers to sign up for an hour or two through out the day. Food and snacks will be provided. Email cindy@hackerspacecharlotte.org to sign up. Please include your name, phone number, time you wish to volunteer.   Events posted Read more about HSC Spring Cleaning Event![…]

HSC board elections

Annual Board Elections Meeting

The Hackerspace Charlotte board plays an important role in the evolution of growth and development of the organization. Hackerspace Charlotte (HSC) is a place where people with common interests, in technology, engineering, digital/electronic art, and/or DIY can meet, socialize and collaborate. HSC can be viewed as an open community lab incorporating elements of a machine shop, workshop, classroom, and studio where all kinds of hackers and makers can come together to share resources and knowledge to build and make cool things with technology.

HSC board elections
